jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

A day to remember

  I love my Ezequiel, you are my light! 

I will always remember the July 16th 2014. It was cold and it was raining , and I was in the house of my boyfriend when my celphone started to ring. It was my mother and she was crying.  She told me that my nephew  was dead and in that moment my life stopped. I couldn`t  believe this, I didn’t understand anything. She explained me that the little Ezequiel fell into the pool and he was there for 7 minutes. I ran to the hospital and I saw how all my family was crying and praying for the life of my nephew. 

In one second the hopes came back to all of us, when the doctor said that Ezequiel got off to the heart attack. Then, all the thing started to get better.  This is the most important piece of news that I had received in my life…. I only wanted to cry of happiness.
Two weeks later Ezequiel was getting better. All his body reacted very well  after the accident. The water slowly started to get off his head, muscles, lungs and all his tissue and one month after the accident he learned to walk again.This is the best miracle of my life. It was always in my memories.

2 comentarios:

  1. I have a cousin like the same age, and when i read your post i empathize with you !

  2. That beautiful day! :D I love rain and cold.
