My final blog.... this is a pitty!
During this semester I have learned a lot about English. I had never before enjoyed so much the English courses. Miss Rosa do exercises very funny and the time flies in her classes. I've always thought that the blog is a free instance to learn because you can put in your post the things that you like, your opinions, etc.
I still feel that there are topics that I need to reinforce, for example the
verb conjugations and especially I need to expand my vocabulary. Sometimes I don't understand what people say, just because I don't know some words.

The next year I want to start a intensive course of English in some specialized place, to talk more often and practice the lenguage. Also, I think that a trip to some country where people speak English would be a very good exercise to incorporate English properly. This trip is in my plans, I have hope to do it in two years, and I would like to visit Australia, Canada or Irlanda. Some people told me that the Irish accent is very complicated and different to the American accent.
In my daily life I do not usually use very often English. Sometimes I need to read papers in this lenguage for some subject especially for Prehistoria and laboratories. To study Archaeology, is very important to have good Enligsh, because all new publications are in English...I have suffered a lot along this carreer because my English is not the best and everything is more difficult to me.
I hope to write soon, a hug for everyone!!!